Reema-The Blogger


A woman, a Gemini, a lecturer, a cat lover, a foodie, a shopper, a blogger, a reader, a traveler and a photographer. Currently residing in Bangalore.


cats, rain, the colour red, good books, good food, outings, sleeping, good music, bike rides

Favourite Quotes:

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”


“One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

The Blog:

Just a girl’s outlook on happenings in and around her life…Sometimes a rant, sometimes a protest, sometimes a pondering, sometimes a rambling, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes humorous and sometimes philosophical.


This blog is not meant for any commercial purpose. All posts are my personal opinions. Similarly the views expressed in comments (except mine) are of the commenter and I don’t necessarily subscribe to them. Copyrighted material has been used only for a personal purpose, with proper reference wherever possible. In case I have forgot to do so in any post, kindly mail me and let me know. All original material in this post is copyrighted by me and I should be contacted first before using them in any purpose personal or commercial.

Contact Id:


163 thoughts on “Reema-The Blogger

  1. Hi Reema,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. You have got a great blog yourself lady. Will be updating you on my blog roll as well. Take Care and Happy Blogging.

  2. Hey Reema,
    Visting your blog for the first time and realized both of us share the same theme!
    I guess all blogger & red color liking girls pick the same theme 😉

  3. I was just overviewing your blog and the first thing I noticed is you seem to be a Calvin fan.(or a hobbes).

    Your blog looks an interesting read, I do not have much time now but will read it on Monday for sure.

    And yes I want to mention that I came here through Nita’s blog.

    Keep writing…..:)

  4. @Sharad Welcome to my blog! yes I’m a fan as I find the 6 yr old says many apt things :)Thanks for taking such interest in my blog. Keep visiting!

  5. Hi. I realised today that you had visited my blog many weeks back, and I did not show any courtesy. I apologise, it was not intentional. I get caught up in work-related issues and things move before I realise how late I have gotten.
    I am subscribing to your blog. Thanks, and welcome to WordPress!

  6. I have seen your comments on Nikhil’s blog. Finally, came over here. Nice blog you have here. I like the way you have written about your nature 🙂 Count me in to visit more often!

  7. @Noni Welcome to my blog. No its a free header image obtained from a site. Keep visiting!

    @Sanaa Welcome to my blog. Recipe for daal????? Didnt get you!! I don’t write recipes 🙂 Keep visiting anyway!!!

  8. Nice to come across an academic blog / a blogging academician (found via nanopolitan)! You seem to have radical thinking and your courage in recording such thoughts on a public blog sis notable. Keep on just whatever you are doing.

  9. Google brought me here. Thanks Google.
    I like your out of box thinking.
    keep writing.
    To celebrate the discovery of your blog something from Ogden Nash –

    If you thirst to know who said, “I think,therefore I am,”
    your thirst I will quench;
    It was Rene Descartes, only what he actually said was,
    “Je pense, donc je suis,” because he was French.
    He also said in Latin, “Cogito, Ergo sum,”
    Just to show that he was a man of culture and not a tennis tramp
    or a crackle barrel philosophy bum.
    Descartes was one of those who think, therefore they are,
    Because those who donot think, but are anyhow, outnumber them by far.
    If of chaos we are on the brink
    It is because so many people think that they think.
    In truth, of anything other than thinking they are fonder.
    Because thought requires the time and effort to reflect, cogitate,
    contemplate, meditate, ruminate and ponder.
    Their minds are exposed to events and ideas but they have
    never pondered or reflected on them
    Any more than motion picture screens meditate on the images that
    are projected on them.
    Hence our universal confusion.
    The result of the unreasoned, or jumped at, conclusion.
    People who think that they think, they secretly think that
    thinking is grim.
    And they excuse themselves with signs reading THIMK, or, as
    Descartes would have said, PEMSEZ, and THINK or THWIM.
    Instead of thoughts, they act on hunches and inklings,
    Which are not thoughts at all, only thinklings.
    Can it be because we leave to the Russians such dull pursuits as
    thinking that the red star continues to twinkle so?
    I thinkle so.

    Will keep an eye on whats new.
    Best wishes

  10. Pingback: The Quote Tag « My Random Thoughts

  11. Hi Reema,lot of changes here..Cool..Loved the overall theme as you have included many images and it makes the blog more lively…Keep blogging teacher 🙂
    Good day

  12. Hi Reema, I got to your blog through your Sis’s…..I didnt read any posts yet but you know what, we have so much in common, …..added to my reader will be khojofying soon :D….

  13. Nice work Reema.

    I liked your blog!

    Now that you are on exam break.

    Cant wait to see when you have your shackles free and paint those wonder of thoughts.

    Reema: Welcome to my blog! Thanks! Keep visiting.

  14. congratulations for winning the Avant Garde award for best human interest post!!
    i’m just one of the ones whom u beat!!

    Reema: Welcome to my blog! Thanks!! Keep visiting

  15. Damn and I thought my blog was popular 😛

    seriously a very good blog and I hope to beat you on the popularity charts some day 🙂 wish me good luck!
    and a really cool blog.

    Reema: Welcome to my blog. Thanks a lot!! I checked out your blog and its quite coo! Keep visiting!

  16. Nice Blog! I liked the quote by T. E. Lawrence which you have nested above in the “favourite quotes” section. But I wonder about all those men who work in the night and sleep during the day 🙂

    “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”

    Reema: Welcome to my blog. Thanks! Keep visiting.

  17. Hello!

    Great blog! I have been your visitor in the past though not quite a reader thanks to lack of time!

    Just a note: three out of four hyperlinks in the ‘click on these’ (Left sidebar top) are dead links now! In other words, the books, rain forest and animals hyperlinks are not working! i have confirmed this twice in last two visits!

    Also, some (or may be most or all) your sidebar hyperlinks open in the same window. It’s okay no problem but you may just want to open them in a new window so that you do not lose your visitor. Don’t mind my suggesting you this.

    Rest is ok. Would have given you more feedback if I had more time!

    Reema: Thank you for your feedback. The links are working. Once you click on then they lead you to their home site and you are supposed to click on the big button there, Every click counts!
    As for the links opening in same window, its not dependent on my blog settings I think. Its dependent on your browser. (If it is please let me know where is the setting on wordpress for this) And you can always use “open in new tab/window” with a right click!
    Thanks. Keep visiting.

  18. You know I like your blog and person. So I’m not here to tell you this. I am here to tell you that if I really had that private jet ….

    Ah ah, kidding, as usual.

    I love to read you!

    Reema: Awwww thank u so much!!

  19. I was going through all the stats u put on ur blog, awesome.. you are a hardcore blogger :). And the pics in tumblr are just too good.. Will bookmark yours

    Reema: welcome to my blog! I would have loved a name instead of “unknown” 🙂 Thanks! Keep visiting!

  20. good to see your blog. i am following you on twitter, hope to keep in touch. nice blog !

    Reema:Welcome to my blog! Thanks! Keep visiting!

  21. One of the great about pages I have come across. I liked your blog very much. Can I hope your regular visits in my blog? [I’m not much good in English. Please don’t be rude reading my posts.]

    Reema: Thanks!!

  22. It is great!
    so beautiful an organized blog……
    Thanks for such a nice presentation of creative mind…………
    Well, it’s too much beautiful………

  23. Hi reema, i have started a blog on responsible consumerism. We would love to have a guest post from you. Read responsible consumerism maybe environmentally or socio-politico-economically conscious consumerism 🙂

    Check out the nascent blog at

    Would love to have your participation with us 🙂

      • Respect to my Blogging Gurus here 🙂 I want to say that, I have move to vigilance seeing yours. Reemapu, you might have marked that I had followed your blogging style madly as newbie… (pardon me for that please 😛 )
        It’s because I was extremely impressed with your blogging style.(still I am, will be for sure… ). I started blogging with ‘Mistylook’ theme when you were using that one 😉

        Would you wish me please? for my continuation with your community 🙂
        I wish your all the best…. from the core of my heart 🙂

  24. Good topics covered,Great content,reasonable views and interesting presentation.
    Everything so sensible,simple and appealing to heart.All organised well.
    I am most interested in your posts related to engineering…and the reason..yeah,you guessed it right.
    Keep up the good work dear!
    (Anyway, it makes my blog feel too ashamed.)

  25. Hi Ma’am,

    You have a fantastic blog with so many people following you and commenting on your posts. I’m a new blogger from Bangalore. Can you give budding bloggers like me, some advice on how we can get more people commenting on our posts?

    While studying your blog, I could see a huge jump in terms of comments on your posts from May 2008.

    What is it that we should do to get to that height? frequent blogging or building a huge network or quality posts?

    Please advise.

  26. reema ji

    its very nice you teach people about what they should do for the better tommarow . we to work for conservation ,so all my wishes to you for your nice work .

  27. hello Reema,

    I have your blog added to my blogroll. I really enjoy coming to your page and seeing what new thing you`ve written. I, however have a question for you. As I was looking at your page, I noticed that you have a section called: Plagiarism Is Not A Compliment!!. I was wondering, which widget you used to place the little pictures onto your page?

    I wanted to do something like that on my page, but am a little unsure as to how. I tried playing around with different widgets, but no success.

    If you could kindly tell me how you did that, I`d really appreciate it!



  28. Hey Reema

    I am a blog lover. Love to read others’ blogs and write my experiences on my small webspace. I came across your blog through Smita’s blog and liked it very much. you have very good writing skills and way to express your opinions and expressions. Keep it up.


  29. Hi Reema,
    Just happened to visit your blog,to read your very interesting piece on INS Kursura, the submarine museum at Vishakhapatnam.
    I happen to be a part of the commissioning crew of INS Kursura !
    Am now the Regional Director of the National Maritime Foundation at Chennai.
    I am happy to inform you that we are in the process of acquiring the freshly decommissioned submarine INS Vela, and establishing her as part of the Tamil Nadu Maritime Heritage Museum at Chennai.
    I hope that you would be visiting this museum also, when it is ready, and write about it in your blog.
    Commodore Shekhar

  30. Hello Reema , are you the one who’s teaching skillopedia on YouTube ? I am your follower of your English lessons on skillopedia and grammar .

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