A Day At A Workshop

Shucks! I am late! The program starts at 10.30 am and its already 10.10. I haven’t left college yet. Oh God, let the railway crossing be open please!

(People on road – Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No its Reema on her scooty!)

Phew! reached with five minutes to spare.

Whaaattt! A State-level workshop and they are also running late. Unpunctuality runs in the veins of Indians be it at any level. Now they are bringing the stationery stuff and compiling the folders for the participants. We have better organization at workshops held in our college.


Ahh! Got the folder kit. *Checking for stuff inside* Nice pen! *Looking at schedule* Tea Break at 12!! Okay.

Okk..It is 10.45..start now. And what is with this air conditioner? Shucks I have chosen a bad place to sit. How will I sit till 5 pm??

OMG! GPRS is not working inside the conference hall. I won’t survive. Why did my HoD pick me to attend this thing? Today was supposed to be a half day!! 😦

Why are those two guys ogling at me? Just because I am the only girl in the audience? Morons. STOP STARING YOU @#$%&

Do these big shots really take this stuff seriously or do they just pretend to be interested like me? Hmmm…


*Smsing colleague-friend at college* Why is the colleague sitting beside peeking into my mobile? Unmannered people! *Heh heh (false laugh) yes sir I am smsing my friend that I am getting bored*

Ohhhh! The Director of my college has decided to sit among the lesser mortals like us instead at the table. Shucks! Need to look interested and serious now.

God! this place is so uncomfortable. Legs have started aching.

Hmmm…too many photographers around. Hope my photo comes in the local newspapers and maybe on the local news.

Hmm there is a girl who is shooting videos. Smartly dressed and so slim. Those men are ogling at her….Morons!! 😡


Ahhh tea break!! Wow!!! A packet consisting of sandwich, dhokla, chips and a sweet!! Now you are talking Mr.Vice Chancellor. 😀 (forgot to take snap)

Yippeee!! Both the colleague and Director have Saturday fast and have passed on their packets to me! Will eat them in evening after I get back home. Must sms this to colleague-friends to make them jealous. *Type type type* Mission successful. 😈

Wow! this presentation was interactive and interesting.

Oh!! My legs are killing me! One more to go till lunch. Hmmm…

Aha! Lunch! A packet consisting of parathas, jeera rice, PBM, mix veg, raita, salad, papad and 2 gulab jamuns (my fave)!!! I am in heaven! (forgot to take snap again)

I am so full and so sleepy! Must stay awake and must attend. Certificate will be given at the end!!

Time is dragging on. And these $%#@$ air conditioners are not working. Misers!

HUH!! Now when the workshop will end in an hour, GPRS has started working. *Tweet Tweet Tweet*

What is with these bouquets being used to welcome people? Absolute wastage of money and destruction of nature. Do they use them at seminars related to Environment and all? Hypocrites!


Aha! Coffee! Just what I need.

Time for open discussion. God please make it end soon.

Ahhhh! At last *Clap Clap Clap* *Rise from chair* *Scoot outside with certificate*


Recently I attended a one day workshop organised by NABARD and our state University to provide knowledge about the different funds available for individuals/organizations who have project ideas for rural development. It was more of a theoretical and non technical type of workshop. So it was kind of ..boring. 🙂 These were the random thoughts that crossed my mind that day.

One more good thing (The other one being the food) that happened due to the workshop was that my photo did come in one of the newspaper articles which covered the event. Unclear due to bad newsprint of local Hindi papers. Still I am happy!! 🙂 And apparently the journalist got quite a wrong idea about the topic of the workshop!!!Yet he/she managed to write so much about it.

Please click on the image to see the enlarged view.

me in dainik bhaskar

69 thoughts on “A Day At A Workshop

  1. ROFL

    was laughing all thru the post…

    u described the training room perfectly well… 🙂

    and congrats on the pic in the paper

  2. Rural Innovation Funding… I wonder if there is any sort of auditing for these kind of projects and if any results are actually shown. Good, if they are. I think a lot of professionals in India need good dose of project management exposure. We really execute our projects unprofessionally and inefficiently!

    Destination Infinity

  3. oh forgot to add ‘punctuality’ is a malaysian trait too. we have something we call malaysian time, ie. if an event were to start at noon, it actually means half past!

  4. A must haves for a meeting/ conference

    – Regular tea coffee breaks
    – Good quality of biscuits, wafers & meal
    – Should end on time
    – A good not so prominently seen place &

    Most Importantly

    – Good network coverage 😀

    Bas!!! mera bhi itna sa khwab hota hai 😀

  5. the workshop was about rural innovation funding..? and the article was “prakriti se chedchad”.. was the journalist not present there..?

    congrats on being a local celebrity now .. 🙂

    and the way you described everything.. too funny… 😀 😀

  6. Great !!! looks like the only part you liked about the workshop was snacks …..

    I have attended several workshops at schools and barely survived at one or two instances ….. They can get ultra-ultra boring at times …. and we won’t even get any refreshments ….

    At least you featured in the newspaper … *Congrats* … no chedh-chadh with Nature from today 😛

  7. That is like suicide !!! I am sure your HOD hated you; why would anyone send you for such a thing !!! Isnt he the same HOD whom you had trouble giving your bike ??? 😉

    Nevertheless, you got food !! That was more like a food festival you were talking about !! Baatein kam, food zyaada !!!

    Congrats for getting yourself on paper !!!! Thats the only good thing I can find too !! 😀 😀

    btw, why did you take a snap of that womans backside???? 😀 😀 😀

  8. Till I reached the end, I thought you were never going to tell us what it was all about! 😛
    And congrats for the photu! Ab to newspaper main bhi! 🙂

  9. Hilarious. Btw, Who is Prakriti and why is she getting so much attention?

    Why not a conference that mulls on Ava se ched chad pe chinta !

  10. haha…

    how convenietly(not bothering with the spelling) u have forgotten to take the pics of food…

    well a folder kit and nice food.. what else one wants at a workshop 😛 😛

    You guys must be talking in foren language(read english) and the journalist is frma Hindi daily.. no surprise there…

    an eventful day..presented very funnily..

  11. Funny. I sort of agree with you. Workshops are a waste of time. I have never been to a proactive, fulfilling one that really caused major changes.

  12. Pingback: Auditing 2009 and Wishes for 2010 « My Random Thoughts

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