How To Avoid Doing Chores

Or maybe How To Make Your Wife Mad At You.  😐

Method #1 :- It was their first grocery shopping together as a married couple at a supermarket. They decided to divide and conquer. The wife asked her husband to get few items including mustard oil while she got the others. After paying the bill, they went home.

Days went by…The wife cooked tasty dinner every day which included non veg items cooked in mustard oil. One night the husband wanted to eat puffed rice (murra) along with chopped cucumber,onion and bit of mustard oil (a dish called “Mudimakha”). When he poured the oil, the texture and color seemed different. 😕

And then they discovered that the oil was sesame oil or til ka tel!!!  😯 The husband had taken THAT from the shelf and kept it in the shopping cart and the poor trusting wife had not read the label…had just looked at the color and assumed it was mustard oil. 😡


Method #2:- It was a lazy Saturday morning. The wife decided to take a break and asked the husband to make breakfast for them. The husband made “poha” and tea. They had breakfast together,one watching TV and another solving the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. Then they got ready and went out for lunch and shopping. It was late evening by the time they returned home.

The wife entered the kitchen to soak “chhole” or chickpeas for next day’s lunch. And…..she saw the light blue flame burning at sim at one of the burners of the gas stove and realized it had burned since morning..since the time the husband made tea!!! 👿 😡


P.S. The husband in the story,as some of you may have already guessed, is D 🙂 D cooks quite well and  is a great help around the kitchen and the house. He just suffers from two quirks – forgetfulness and lack of concentration 🙂

P.P.S. Sesame oil was shocking because Bengalis don’t cook anything in that oil.

75 thoughts on “How To Avoid Doing Chores

  1. In Method #1, wife trusted husband so much that in spite of cooking in it for days, she kept on thinking it as mustard oil.. 😀

  2. When Hubby n me started living together, everything was just perfect, you know, hunky-dory, sweet dreams likes.. Making meals, that Sunday morning tea, etc etc.. And when we signed on that damn MC (Marriage Certificate), things have been turned on their head. Now even making Maggi seems like solving Poincare Conjecture.. Making tea is like solving a Rubik’s Cube and what not.. I believe marriage gives men a license to be lazy by right! 😦

  3. Hehehehe.
    Love the caption on the last image 🙂

    Couple of more such incidents later, the husband will keep calling to confirm, before he picks anything and drop into the shopping cart 😉 😀

  4. lol. May be you should just leave the cleaning to D. Thats one part where you can’t make mistakes.
    PS: Out of experience… May result in broken china.

  5. Loved the post…what makes it even more funny is that it’s real 😛

    Although ur hubby didn’t do either of those things on purpose, I think he’s given me a few ideas to follow during my post-marriage life …whenever that happens:P


    do visit mine

  6. Hehe.. I couldnt control laughing at method 1.. stove on for an entire day.. oh my god! thankfully my dad is good at shopping groceries and cooks wells.. my mom forgets to turn off the stove sometimes, but he reminds her.

  7. liked the last image and its caption. LOL! And my husband remembers to switch off the stove, but forgets to clean up the entire thing he messed up around!

  8. Men often forget to concentrate … that’s the reason behind the two mentioned problems … forgetfulness , which eventually leads to loss of concentration … critical reasoning you see …. hahahah … lol .. 😛 …. I am caught in this cat’s claws … 😛

  9. I dont cook well, but can help in related stuff like cutting vegetables and all 😀

    and yea, she is like D here … I have to take a round and keep things back in place, check all the lights taps etc after she leaves for work ..

  10. hah hah wife did not notice oil was not mustard oil!! They look similar but the aroma! How can anyone beat that! And poor hubby, he was the one who discovered the goof, to take the blame later on…

  11. I used to cook well, but now not sure if I remember it! I think women do not teach men how to cook and over that blame men for not helping in the kitchen. And if some poor souls help, see what happens!! 🙂

    Destination Infinity

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