A New Blog Name


Since many days I have been thinking that how unimaginative and lame is my blog name – “My Random Thoughts”. In a moment of one of the greatest imagination blocks, I had decided on this name for my blog where I wanted to pen down my thoughts.

As I started blogging and commenting actively, I came across so many blog with such smart and witty names like Nikhil’s “Mirrorcracked“, Suda’s “Life,Love and Logic“, Nita’s “A Wide Angle View of India“, Ishmeet’s “Dead End” and so on. Then, the realization that my blog name was nothing special started when I came across my blog namesake on Blogspot -“My Random Thoughts” by WIAN.

I started feeling that the creativity I show in my posts 😀 is not visible in my blog name. Where was all that creativity when I was thinking of a name?

Then, IHM pointed out in her post on blog names that she has four blogs called Random Thoughts in her blog roll and that she believes a reader would visit a blog just because the name was interesting.

According to this article,

any blog named, “My blog/journal/weblog with daily world news and thoughts from life!” will be a smash hit. If you’re interested, here are the top 10 words from the Technorati popular blogs:

  1. modblog
  2. daily
  3. girls
  4. suicidegirls
  5. nikki
  6. weblog
  7. media
  8. from
  9. page
  10. boing

I knew I had to do something about my blog name now. Dinu has asked his readers in his post that given a chance would they like to change the name of his blog? I don’t know about Dinu but I sure would like to change the name of my blog.

Though I have considered doing this several times, I stopped because I felt my readers have begun to associate “Reema” with “My Random Thoughts” and that changing a blog name may affect the Google Page Rank etc. (I am not sure whether it does or not)

But now the time has come. Enough is enough. I want to rename my blog with a cool, smart, witty name. So my dear readers and visitors, suggest a new name for this blog in your comments. Also let me know if you think I should go ahead with the idea or not by casting your vote in this poll :-


Related Articles:-

How To Name Your Blog Site And Domain URL – SEO – SEM Beginner’s Guide

49 thoughts on “A New Blog Name

  1. Voted!

    Whatever do with your name, we are here. What’s the other name you have in mind?

    Reema: I don’t!! thats why I asked readers to suggest in comments

  2. Ur header background makes it difficult to read the blog name , jus so u know.
    Besdies, ‘My random thots’ or ‘opinions and ex…’ is a not such a bad name either.

    anand. 🙂

    Reema: Welcome to my blog. I have changed the header. Thanks! Keep visiting!

  3. Oh, you bet I voted. But what? I can’t tell you now. 8) Either way she can get away with this post for she has often lamented about this being a common name.

    Let her come up with other name, doesn’t hurt? 😉

  4. voted for a no!
    i have not been visiting your blog for so many months and when i visit again i see a dramatic change.
    well reema, i guess its with this name that you became known to the blogging world , so you should stick to the roots
    after all its like ” my parents gave me this ..this name and now when i am 16 yrs old i feel my name is not that special so lets change it to make people feel i am more witty orb smart ”
    dont take me wrong, but as a reader i felt this way for the issue and so i put forth my opinion
    rest , its your blog…….so you have the full authority and as poonam said whatever is the name , we all are here 😛

    Reema: U have not been visiting my blog?? 😦 boo hoo! Thank u dear for such encouraging words 🙂

  5. Change Change Change!!
    Parivartan to Sansar ka niyam hai…….
    I will suggest to look inside yourself. I know what are you going through now….. the happiness may lead to a new era….. look inside and for a change, be little emotional. Enough of practicality, time for some sentiments 🙂 😉 😛

    Reema: Baap re!!! dialogue!! naam suggest to kiya nahi!

  6. Its abhishek bachan …. because he gave hit films… and not the other way round….

    name becomes famous with the deeds u do :))

    so… better keep the same name…
    i voted 😀

    Reema: 😆 Abhishek and hit films??? U compared my blog name to him? is it that bad? 😛

  7. Would you change your name if you came across a million people called Reema? No, I hope not! 😀
    It’s not the name that matters, it’s what you write… People might visit other “My Random Thoughts” thinking it’s yours! 🙂
    Thankfully, MirrorCracked is a sexy and unique name! Don’t even think of changing your blog name to MirrorCracked! 😀 😀 😀

    Reema: Hehehe Don’t worry! I don’t want people to visit my blog looking for some insane posts. 😛

  8. Name does not matter, Reema !!!

    Naam me kya rakhaa hai?? .. Shakespeer has alredy mentioned that ..

    Stick with your identity and you will rock !!

    Reema: Thanks dear!

  9. i have a thing for names – i’ve fallen for guys on the premise that they had a name i like the sound of! so i understand your desire to get a new one for your blog. you’re a unique person and i hope your new name will reflect that! 🙂 it took me quite a while before i thought up of bloggerdygook; before then i changed my blog’s name multiple times.

    Reema: It seems that I have an enormous creative block in thinking names. 😦

  10. Oh ! so you decided to change blog’s name reading my post ?
    uhmmm I will keep watching !!

    Reema: No, I was thinking about doing it since few days.

  11. Reema, your readers might get confused, they are used to this name. As Shakespeare said, what is in a name?

    Reema: Yes that is true and one of the reasons I havent done it yet.

  12. Woh karo jo dil kahe!!!

    If u feel like changing it change it…poll woll chaddo…..

    Reema: Dil to keh raha hai but dimag ka koi suggestion hi nahi hai.

  13. Reems, I voted ‘can’t say’. I know blog names and also post titles attract me but finally it is the content which forced me to stay back.

    So it doesn’t matter if you have random thoughts as blog name or ‘no thoughts at all’. I am going to be regular as always. 🙂

    Still if you need suggestions here is one from me,


    Of course it is Bengali so you know the meaning :).

    Reema: Thanks dear!! I can’t keep Bong name as No one will understand except a few 🙂

  14. Don’t change your blog name Reema.. I am impressed by this blog name.. but still its upto your choice to choose the best..
    as for a name I need sometime to think.. I will try to come up with some nice name 🙂

    Reema: Thanks!!

  15. Don’t change!
    Your blog posts are as random as they can get — and as interesting (or more) as any other blog.
    Changing the name will not increase/decrease visits…People’ll still love reading your posts!
    So, as long as you remain “Reema”, let your blog remain “My Random Thoughts” 😀

    Reema: Awww thanks for such kind words 🙂

  16. Naaaahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Yehhh Nahiii Ho Saktaa!!!

    Btw, I am still struggling to get my poll up which I had created and my page is not moving forward only from the Poll page i.e it ain’t sending it to the editor only..Dammmit!

    Reema: U can try directly at PollDaddy.com. Just copy paste the code.

  17. More than the name the theme needschange! It’s a boring pakau theme (no offence meant) and often looks dull and a bit old! I have done a quick review of themes with headers if you think of changing themes in future/present: http://letmesuggest.wordpress.com

    I voted for a name change! I am good with tag lines but can’t think some good ones presently, alas! I also visited your Orkut profile to give myself leads for creative thinking (but I am not in my elements today,sigh). Some of these are purely for fun of course! 🙂

    You may not like any of the following but they may give you leads just the same.

    Reema Ruminates/cogitates
    Reema writer/thinker
    Reema thinks and writes
    Reema cannot not think
    Reema: lots of thoughts
    Reema, and how?!
    Reema lectures
    Reema bares her heart
    Reema Here, ahem!
    Reema: letting the cat out of the bag!
    cool cat Reema
    Reema’s catcalls
    Reema’s Ayes and Nos
    Reema’s Cat-aclysms (LOL!)
    R for Reema, R for.. (fill it)
    Raconteur Reema
    Reema blogs
    Reema: no more random
    Reema’s thoughtopaedia
    Reema’s journal
    The Times of Reema/Reema Times
    Reema, Reema, Reema!
    Reema with a capital R
    Golden girl Reema
    weathergirl Reema
    Yeah Reema! There’s a good girl!
    Reema on the cover page
    Reema thinks long and hard
    Reema is always thinking
    Hare Reema Hare Krishna (LOL!)
    Reema!? Where art thou?
    Reema thinks big
    Reema’s heart bleeds for the nation
    Reema: think with ink
    Hello! Hello! Reema calling!
    Reema: wink, think, blink, ink
    Reema; i think therefore i am
    Reema O Reema!
    Reema’s blog: everything in its place
    Just a girl’s outlooks
    Reema’ s window to the world
    Oui Ma! Reema! (LOL!)
    Ra Ra, Ru Ru Reema!
    Reema Reporting live
    Your attention please!
    Rant Protest Pondering Rambling
    Reema and whatnot!
    Reema opines/ whines/
    Reema’s razmataz
    Reema says let me observe
    Reema in a blog
    Reema and the rest of the world
    Reema ji ki blogging
    Gemini Reema’s Gems
    Reema’s vantage point
    Reema in the virtual world
    Reema! Love me or leave me

    Reema: Oh my god!!! I appreciate your effort but most of these had me in splits 😀 I changed the theme 🙂

  18. Cool Cat Reema??? 😀

    Reema thinks long and hard!!! 😀

    Reema! Love me or leave me!!! 😀

    Oui Ma! Reema! 😀

    Ra Ra, Ru Ru Reema! 😀

    I can’t stop laughing at these gems!!!!

    U shud choose Love me or leave me…

    Better idea u can use one for every week 😀

    Reema: 😆

  19. i take change as a new phase and a good beginning…:)
    so why not …


    Reema: Welcome to my blog! Yes but nothing is coming to mind. Keep visiting!

  20. Hey Reema did I say readers come only because of the blog name? I think i said they also come to blogs (like I did as a new blogger) because the name is interesting. I also went through phases of wanting to change my blog name….

    I think of yo more as Reema who loves her cat then your blog name, becuase it is not a name that stands out, can be good also, because it lets your name stand out! Can be not so good, becuase there are other blogs with similar names. My blog name is common, there is a blog called ‘The Times of Bullshit’, and ther eis even another Indian Homemaker located in Dubai! Can’t do anything about it, but might change the name when I shift to WP.

    Reema: Oooh! U r thinking of shifting to WP!! Yeyyy! That will make commenting much easier for me!

  21. Suggestions:

    Smashed Musings 😀
    Creative Carvings
    Opinions and Expressions
    To the point
    Blog Bliss
    Ecstasy of Blogging
    roars of killer cat
    Just me
    I me myself

    Hows that?

    Reema: Liked the suggestion opinions and expressions. It will be same as url.

  22. Well, I don’t believe you should use the popular words just to increase viewership. But the name could be more creative, as you do write about more than just random thoughts.
    It could be
    “Nine Lives” ….
    we all have many lives
    and you live in India that has many Indias
    and you love cats.

    Reema: Oh too deep for people to understand it in one go.

  23. I am not sure whether you should change your blog name, but if you want to, you should. By the way I had a pretty lame name for my blog earlier. It was “My Writings” and then I found that various blogs had the same name. And then I realised that all my writings were about India anyway and so I changed the name which was more specific to what I was writing!

    Reema: Oh!! You too were in the same boat!! 🙂 I don’t seem to be able to think of anything cool!

  24. @Reema, U did not mention mine.. Blessed Curse, Isn’t that captivating? Hahaha..

    Hmmm, ur personal decision yaar.. Once u have decided to change, throw the names to us, we will vote on which is best.

    @VIKAS, I thought you were busy with studies.. Dikh raha hai kya study kar rahe ho tum?

    Reema: Oye, naam suggest kar. Mai khud kar soch paati to kyu poochti?

  25. well, fwiw, the url is how I go by, especially since that’s the constant and the name can change as you can see 🙂

    Reema: Welcome to my blog! Yes that is true and I hope my blog url is interesting 🙂 Keep visiting!

  26. Don’t care what the name is…I would visit a blog if the writing is good. Many a times, I have gone to a blog thinking the name was good, only to be disappointed by the writing!
    Though I can totally understand your thing about changing the name. There are times when I think of it too…but leave it cos it is too much of an effort and I am not that imaginative a person 😀
    Whatever the name is, your readers would read your posts!

    Reema: I am also having the same problem…no imagination in names!

  27. VOTED FOR NO!!! 🙂
    I suggest you not to change the name..You got recognition from this and keep moving with this itself……. 🙂

    Reema: Thanks!

  28. Pingback: Blog Name and Best Post « My Random Thoughts

  29. Pingback: Blogging And Me « My Random Thoughts

  30. Pingback: Auditing 2009 and Wishes for 2010 « My Random Thoughts

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